If you are a game developer or a curious gamer wanting a review or a test, email me at jcyuen7@gmail.com!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Pokemon: More Than Just Catching Them All

So apparently, slapping on a number after the title and throwing in a random storyline constitutes as a brand new game.

I'm sold.

And like billions of other people, I too have played Pokemon Black/White 2.

And I could write a review about it, but what hasn't been said already:

- They keep coming out with new pokemon
- You still start out as some kid who ends up defeating people who trained their whole life
- You still gotta catch them all

somewhere along the generations, you stopped being a kid who fought with Pokemon for fun and became the person who ends up saving the world. Hm..

But still, people keep buying these games...

Anyway, I'd also like to take this time to justify the nerdiness behind Pokemon. While the single-player gameplay is still reminiscent of the original Red and Blue, (minus a few tweaks that make the game better), Pokemon becomes an entirely different entity when you're talking about competitive battling.

That's right. Competitive battling.

There are people who spend countless hours testing calculating Pokemon strengths, weaknesses, and strategies.

Heck, there's even somewhat of an unofficial governing-type entity over Pokemon battling matters (good ole Smogon). And battling is more than just what the normal game may suggest; it's not just putting out a Pokemon that has a type-advantage over some NPC, but with someone else thinking and anticipating your moves on the other side, Pokemon battles become somewhat enjoyable to partake in, and even to watch. And ridiculously enough, you even need to study to really understand what each Pokemon is capable of.

Here's a video of kinda what I mean from one of my favorite Pokemon Youtubers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye7b3bOQ6lY

So to an extent, I'd say the persistent existence of Pokemon, and the continuation of generations is much needed for the fanbase, such as a DLC or expansion is needed for MMORPGs or other games in the like.

They just need better sprite designs.

I wonder who came up with the trash bag pokemon. Or the ice cream cone...

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