If you are a game developer or a curious gamer wanting a review or a test, email me at jcyuen7@gmail.com!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Connect the Dots: Flow Free

Another Droid app game review...

How do you play this game? You connect colors to their corresponding other half while trying to fill up the board. No overlapping of different colors.

Literally. Just connect the dots.
Sounds as fun as your elementary school days with a sheet of paper and a crayon, connecting the dots?

Now what if you had other kids around you trying to do it faster than you?

Honestly, flow free isn't my cup of tea. Yeah, the difficulty gets more difficult as you get a larger board and more colors. But as a quick play puzzle game, I enjoy it more in spurts.
The normal puzzle game.
So throw in a little competition, and this game is right up my alley. So my friends and I started to compare time trial scores. On a 5x5 board. In 30 seconds.

And little did we know, the seemingly basic game got somewhat addicting.

So far, my best in 30 seconds is 7 completed boards. The highest amongst my friends is 8.

My high scores on a 5x5 board. 4 minutes is a long time...
Anyone out there hit double digits yet?


  1. 9 in 30 seconds
    18 in 1 minute
    34 in 2 minutes
    65 in 4 minutes
    Catch me if u can

  2. I have gotten past like 10 levels and i only got it today!!!
