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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Jetpack Joyride: Everything's Better with a Jetpack. And upgrades.

I'm sure the idea of this game isn't new. I'm pretty sure I played the heck out of that Helicopter java/flash game during my Typing 101 class in high school.

But Jetpack Joyride injects new blood into this genre, throwing in lasers, rockets, upgrades, missions, slots, and vehicles.

One of the may vehicles: A bird car/plane thingy

Banking on the slots

The gameplay is quite simple. Press down to fly up, let go to fall down. Dodge the income rockets, the spinning electric beams, the floating lasers, and pick up coins to get as far as you can.

Spend coins on upgrades or clothes to change your avatar, or buy different upgrades to help you during your escape from the lab. 


Enough customization to last a while
The missions add to the depth of the game. So rather than just trying to get as far as you can, there are other goals that you can try to accomplish during that process. 

Each vehicle is spawned randomly from the magical rainbowy box, and each vehicle has a different function. They also act as an extra life, as the vehicle gets destroyed, but you still keep on running.

One of the cool gameplay things that sets it apart from other similar games is the fact that you don't die when you hit the ground or if you're head mashes the ceiling. You just continue running (or flying) as normal. I guess the devs realized there was enough to worry about with lasers and missles to be worrying about altitude.

Overall, this is a highly addicting game. Especially if you're into unlocking everything. The fact that you can jump right in from the loadscreen makes this one of the best casual, pick up and just play titles that I've seen on the Droid so far.

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