Through the last 6 years, I have been searching for the "perfect" MMO.
This is far from it, but it sure is fun.
Initial Thoughts
War of the Immortals is the sequel to Battle of the Immortals (I've never played, but so I've heard). Being a Perfect World title, one can expect some decent customization of characters, along with some auto-walking and built in botting.
The first thing I noticed was the fast paced leveling. Questing is the way to go, and I literally got a level per quest up to level 35ish while not really paying attention to what was going on. After bouncing around, auto-walking and turning in some quests, you bump into your first Instance/Scenario at level 45, Magnetos, where you SHOULD find a party to steamroll your way through some monsters and some boss.
Sounds pretty cookie-cutter to the saturated MMO market. Well, it is. But the quick leveling sure got me hooked, and the amount of things to do kept me occupied. The quick leveling also allows you to test out different characters (War of the Immortals offers NINE classes) without too much of a time investment until you realize it sucks (or get bored).
Do your Dailies!
There are many instances and events that can be done once per day. Those are what take the bulk of your time, and quite frankly, is the most efficient way to level your character. So you don't have to spend a huge amount of time to be successful in the game, but have the option to go above and beyond if you'd like to. Monster killing is kept to a minimum, as the EXP gains from that are very, very low.
Social Activity
For me, the thing that sets games apart is the community. Guilds in this game are called Legions, and multiple legions can come together to become an Alliance. With this said, it is pretty easy to find parties or people to help you with whatever you need. They even reward higher level players who help out the lowbies, so it's not that huge of a hassle to find help either.
Soon enough, you'll find yourself being one of those higher level players who are helping the nubs getting to the upper echelon.
There are territory wars and occupation, as well as legion houses to broaden the interest level.
The player population, however, is quite small on the US servers. Ideally, there are three factions, and all would be filled up to compete for supremacy of Atlantis. The reality, there is only one that just dominates everyone.
End Game Stuff
While it may take about a total of 6 hours to get to level 70, from 70-80 would take about two levels per day, then 80-90, one level per day, then 90-100, about half or one third a level per day, so don't be fooled by the initial easy grind.
With that said, there is plenty to do in the meantime. There are several types of gears; one which is better for PvP, one better for PvE (and one that just destroys everything). Within that, there are enchantment and gems to insert to occupy your time, and suck away your money dry.
The PvP in this game is split between either PvP areas; maps where you're free to kill other players, and then there's also King of Combat, where it becomes a MOBA-type gameplay with vehicles and stuff like that. However, PvP doesn't really start until you hit level 100+, which would take a couple months to reach for a casual gamer.
You can pretty much buy anything with Zen (cash shop), which makes it unevenly balanced towards those who spend real money, but that's inevitable in any f2p title.
Honestly, if i didn't get lucky and find myself in a legion with some cool people, I would've quit this game at level 40. However, I've put 150+ hours already, and find myself having two level 90+ characters, an 80+, and some more random assortment of nubs waiting to be leveled.
There was nothing new about this game I haven't seen before, but if you're into games with quick levels, auto-combat/auto-walking, random assortment of vehicles, some end game depth, and bloodthirst for PvP, War of the Immortals might be a title to look into to entertain you for the time being.