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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Throwing Money At My Screen: Stardew Valley


(All images are from the official site. Can't make my own screenshots when the game isn't out yet..)

Stardew Valley is being developed by ConcernedApe and published by Chucklefish.

The game is still in development, and I'm sure my attempts to try to describe the game won't do it justice. So I'll just let the trailer do the talking.

Hard to believe this game is being developed by one person.

I can't really categorize this game well. I can label it as a sandbox farming game. But I think calling it an "everything" game is more appropriate., because from the looks of it, you can pretty much do anything. From starting your own farm to mining caves, or courting a future wife to fighting off slimes. And there's still new content information to be released, including multiplayer co-op.

So far, there's a couple of demo videos on Youtube. And from the looks of it, the potential of the game is through the roof. 

Oldschool graphics. But don't let that deter you from the gameplay
In a genre that's dominated by Harvest Moon and to a smaller extent, Rune Factory, Stardew Valley looks to add a fresh take on a dying game style. There's no release date set (the estimate is some time in 2013), but until then, I'll just continue to throw money at the screen, hoping the game comes out now.

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