Penny Arcade's On The Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness is a 2D RPG developed by Zeboyd Games. The story follows Gabe and Tycho after the first two games as they battle gods, mimes, walking skulls, and many other assorted enemies during somewhat of an apocalypse.
I played the first Precipice of Darkness, but couldn't get through the second. But while the original two offered 3D graphics, the 3rd installment under a new developer took the oldschool Final Fantasy feel to the game.
So did the oldschool style hinder the gameplay? Or did the new devs take the game to a different level?
Warning: If you intended to play the game, screenshots = SPOILER ALERT
I never really read Penny Arcade comics. I barely knew about them before I played the games. But the humor is evident in this game. And not just completely cheesy humor, but witty and satirical; my favorite kind.
Oh. Le humor. |
Even the items give snarky comments |
The battles can drag out pretty long, as some enemies have an enormous amount of health, but to combat battles from being long stall-fests, every so often, the enemies get stat boosts. So the longer the battle, the harder it becomes.
That octopus thing reminds me of Ultros from FFVI... |
Turn-based fighting at it's finest |
Something different from the previous games is the introduction of classes. Each character has one innate class, and is able to add on two additional classes. Each class adds passives and skills for the player's disposal. As you level up, you gain more skills and passives. The game also doesn't completely force you to grind every class, as even the dormant ones gain experience (albeit slightly slower, but not enough to make you rip your hair out if you decide to change it up)
So many classes to pick and choose! |
Traditional walking around maps and not so random battles |
Not much exploring on the "overworld". |